
Welcome to Tony Prescott’s web pages!

Latest News

5th September, 2021. Four new tracks added to the music page here.

15th Feb, 2021. Article on TheConversation.com Will robots make good friends? Read the full/unedited version on this blog page.

22nd Jan. 2021. Perspective piece Are friends electric? the benefits and risks of human-robot relationships with Julie Robillard published in iScience (free download).

About Me

I am a psychologist, computational neuroscientist, computer scientist and roboticist, or, for brevity, a cognitive scientist. I am especially interested in how the mind works and whether, when we make things like AIs and robots, they might also have minds; perhaps, one day, a sense of self. I am also interested in how these new technologies might change human lives and how we see ourselves.

This site will host copies of some of my previous blogs and unpublished content along with intermittent new blog posts.

Outside work, I enjoy, play and compose music (folk, rock. jazz, ambient) and engage in photography (travel, technology, street art) which will also feature on this site from time to time.

Contact email: info..at..tonyjprescott.com